Zero-knowledge proofs

A zero-knowledge proof is a cryptographic mechanism to prove you know a secret without revealing the secret. This is possible through the use of complex math under the hood.

Why does Konnect ID use ZKPs?

After the Konnect APP verifies you are a unique human, your identity commitment is added to a public list of verified humans. Everytime you want to prove you are a unique person, your Konnect app generates a ZKP that proves you know the secret to an identity commitment, without revealing which one. Holistically, Konnect ID ZKPs prove these three things:

  • Membership: "I'm a member of this group". You prove you are a member of the verified identities list.

  • One-shot: "I haven't done this before in this context". This is achieved through nullifiers. Nullifiers are random numbers, unique to each user for each context (i.e. for each action ID).

  • Signal: "I want to include this message". This allows the user to add extra data to the request. It could be a receiver address when claiming an airdrop, or a vote when participating in governance. This mitigates an attack where an attacker could intercept a transaction with a proof and change the vote.

How does it work?

A user's Konnect ID lives in their device, and only in their device. The user installs a compatible identity wallet (such as the Konnect App). A unique and random private key is generated on-device, where it is securely stored. Identity wallets may incorporate their own recovery mechanisms, however Protocol-level recovery is being implemented soon.

From the user's private key, a public identity commitment is generated and published on-chain, which acts at the source of truth for the protocol. An identity commitment is analogous to a public key in an asymmetric key-pair, or a wallet address, but in the Konnect ID protocol this value is not broadly shared. The private key is used as input to each World ID verification, specifically as part of the ZKP.

The user's wallet (e.g. Konnect App) generates a ZKP for every verification a user makes. Verifications cannot be linked across applications or actions, which means that the user's privacy is cryptographically protected.

After a user verifies, a nullifier hash is returned to the application. The nullifier hash is the user's unique identifier for the application (and the action, if using Anonymous Actions). Nullifiers are unique to the application, and cannot be linked to other nullifiers from the same person, even resistant to colluding applications.

If you want to learn more about ZKPs, here is a great resource:

Last updated